Sunday, February 6, 2011

Insanity Workout Days 1-4

Well, the name of the workouts could not describe it more perfectly, INSANE! The first day consisted of the Fitness Test to help you see your improvement as you continue throughout the program ( there are 5 Fitness Tests in all ). This consisted of you trying to complete as many reps as possible for 8 different moves. I knew these workouts were going to be hard when just the basic Fit test was making me sweat bullets. So the next day I completed my first workout titled "Plyometric Cardio Circuit". Not only was I out of breath but my muscles were screaming for me to stop the whole time. I had to take a few breaks during the workout but I finished! the following workout was pretty much the same and today was the "recovery" workout day. Even the recovery workout was difficult and it was mostly just stretching, I never knew stretching could be so intense! The Insanity package includes a diet plan along with the workouts. It gives you an equation to help figure out your needed caloric intake to maintain, lose or gain weight. I, of course, chose the equation to lose weight. My calories per day calculated out as 1950. The big theme of this nutrition plan is to eat 5 meals a day and remain with in your per day calorie amount. So far I've been a little over each day but non the less I am eating much healther than I was before I started Insanity. Even though Insanity is pushing my limits I'm enjoying the challenge (so far) and am really anxious to see the results!

Starting Weight - 137
Current Weight -137
( no weight loss yet, but I already feel better about myself by eating healthier and staying fit!)


  1. Go Em go!!!! I want to try Insanity. I have heard that it is very tough! Good luck!

  2. Sandy - they're extremely hard and intense but you are getting an amazing workout in! I have a couple people who want to borrow the DVD's when I'm done but if you're still interested you're more than welcome to give them a try!
